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Case Study: 8 year old boy; bed wetting, poor immunity

Updated: Aug 13

8 year old boy with nocturnal enuresis (night bed wetting ~ 5-6 nights a week), fatigue and poor concentration at school, mum thought as a result of not sleeping well. He'd also had a constant running nose and cough since a viral infection caught 4 weeks earlier.

Child did not present with typical constipation but we did discover he refuses to go at school and sometimes gets a sore tummy from holding.

Initial consultation:

I started him on oral magnesium and herbal mix to support digestion and tone the urinary system. We discussed removing some of the processed food in his lunch box and replaced with whole foods.

His daily breakfast was Wheatbix with milk so we discussed adding more protein to his breakfast to help with focus and general health.

Consult 2 (3 weeks later):

Child was going to the bathroom more consistently (bowel motion every morning before school) and sometimes again in the afternoon however stools were not well formed. This was new and possibly due to magnesium dose. Bedwetting had decreased ~ 2-3 times per week for last two weeks. Mum was thrilled and very commited and had made great changes to his general diet. Child was including greek yoghurt and pepitas with strawberries to breakfast wheatbix with whole fat jersey milk.

I decreased the magnesium dose, added in prebiotic fibres and started to include some fermented foods in the diet (kefir). We continued with herbal formula.

He could swallow small capsules so I included an Echinacea soft gel cap to support immunity. Now that bedwetting had decreased, I also suggested a small cup of chamomile tea with manuka honey after dinner each night.


Consult 3 (2 weeks later)

Child was no longer wetting the bed! ~ 10 dry nights straight. Mum and child were really happy with this. Stools were now more formed and he was going consistently 1-2 times daily.

Mum reported he had better focus and was more ‘alert’ in the mornings.

We continued with his treatment plan and worked on including more fresh fruit and vegetables in his diet.


Consult 4 (6 weeks later)

Child had stopped bedwetting completely. He got sick with the flu for 1 week but mum reported he recovered well and was now healthy with no running nose or cough. We stopped liquid herbs but continued with magnesium, Echinacea, prebiotics and fermented foods and focusing on a whole foods diet. Child loved his tea each night which had replaced conventional dessert.

Learn more about working with Tamara here



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